lapalma Mirador Lomo da las Chozas

View over the Caldera de Taburiente during a walk along the edge of the caldera La Cumbrecita.

lapalma Molino de Buracas

Auf dem Weg zu den Höhlen

Palácio Nacional de Mafra

Der Palácio Nacional de Mafra, zu deutsch Nationalpalast von Mafra, ist die größte Schloss- und Klosteranlage Portugals.

A PTMorpher Example

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In September 2002 elections take place in Germany and now, during the election campains, the candidates of the two biggest parties give interviews wherever they can. In the ADAC Motorwelt 7/2002, a monthly journal for members of this automobile club, i found this two similar pictures …

Florenz Florenz

Blick von piaza